affordable & accurate results for DNA

DNA services include:
- Paternity
- Maternity
- Grandparentage
- Avuncular
- Siblingship
- Immigration
- Twin Zygosity
- Infidelity
- Deceased collections
- Irregular items (ie toothbrushes, razors, straws, etc)
- Legal or informational results are available.
- Our national network of collection sites are available to accommodate out of area collections.
- Experienced and certified lab technicians on staff.
- AABB Accredited labs assuring the highest level of accuracy.
We can help you determine paternity before your child is born! Testing involves collecting a blood specimen from the mother- to- be from a simple non- invasive blood draw. Testing can occur after the 10th week of pregnancy. A cheek swab from the potential father is also collected to complete the test.

additional services
- Onsite collections at hospital, NICU and funeral homes.
- Weekend and after hours available by appointment.
- Scheduling, coordinating and shipping for all out of area collections.
- Expedited results.